Earlier this month, 41 excited boys and girls from YPC’s Intermezzo division climbed aboard a bus that would take them to the Junior Treble Festival in Toronto at the invitation of the Toronto Children’s Chorus. Intermezzo was the only non-Canadian chorus invited to take part and this was Intermezzo’s very first tour.
Elizabeth Núñez, Mark Shapiro, Francisco J. Núñez, Rollo Dilworth, and Johnny Rabe join in for “Hey Jude”
Friday was their first full day in Toronto, and it was filled with activities, it began with a trip to Niagara Falls, where they learned how, 10,000 years ago, the Ice Age led to the creation of the falls. The next stop was a visit to the Butterfly Conservatory, where they entered a climate-controlled greenhouse and were instantly surrounded by thousands of butterflies of all sizes, shapes, and colors.
Hundreds of New Yorkers gather for YPC’s first-ever community sing-along
Hundreds of New Yorkers gather for YPC’s first-ever community sing-along
Saturday was concert day! In addition to rehearsals, they took part in two music and movement workshops and a master class with the conductor of the evening’s concert: Dr. Christian Grases. At 7 p.m. the stage at Timothy Eaton Church was set. Each of the 10 participating choruses sang three songs individually, and the concert concluded with a group performance involving all of the participating choirs.
Hundreds of New Yorkers gather for YPC’s first-ever community sing-along
Hundreds of New Yorkers gather for YPC’s first-ever community sing-along
Maria Peña, Intermezzo’s principal conductor, said that when she took her place on stage to conduct them, she saw that the singers were completely focused on her. “They were in the moment,” she said “It was magical.”
Elizabeth Núñez, Mark Shapiro, Francisco J. Núñez, Rollo Dilworth, and Johnny Rabe join in for “Hey Jude”
The perfect ending to a sensational debut tour!
YPC photos by YPC staff members