Wishing You Peace and Joy for the Holidays, A Message from Joshua Bell

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Wishing You Peace and Joy for the Holidays, A Message from Joshua Bell

Dear Friend of YPC,

The holiday season is a time to be with friends, families, and loved ones. Having been a musician since I was a child, I know firsthand the importance of music in bringing people together. When I worked with YPC on my holiday album, I was so moved to see children from all over New York City united by their love of music, singing with one voice.

Please join me this holiday season in supporting an organization unlike any other, where children from all backgrounds lead the way with their example of respect, understanding and beautiful harmony.

Happy Holidays to you and your family,

Joshua Bell
Artistic Ambassador

PS – YPC’s Board of Trustees is matching all new and increased gifts, effectively doubling your donation, and making a world of difference to our children!