Francisco Núñez leads a conversation with Doreen Rao at the 2019 Chorus America Conference

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Friday, June 21, 2019

At the 2019 national Chorus America conference next week in Philadelphia, Francisco J. Núñez will lead a conversation with Doreen Rao in a breakout session entitled Beyond Borders and Boundaries: Doreen Rao in Conversation with Francisco Núñez.  The two choral music pioneers will discuss Doreen’s influence as a visionary devoted to building bridges between concert performance and music education and her thoughts on the importance of female mentorship. Their conversation will also include how their work has inspired the children’s choir movement, professional development in choral teacher education, as well as their concept of global concert programming that embodies collaboration and social responsibility.

Chorus America is a national organization with a wide variety of programs, publications, research, and professional services that serve and strengthen more than 6,000 choruses, individuals, businesses, and organizations across the country. Francisco is a former Chorus America board member.