First Impressions of Brazil

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Our first day seemed like it would never end! Starting at the Y, all of us eager to get away from my parents (sorry mom for leaving you on your birthday!), to what seemed like a very short time in the airport. The flight was shorter than I expected, but I think all of us can agree that we all wanted a more comfortable sleep.  I bet we went on a fabulous bus tour… But I was sleeping. We had a fabulous dinner where we met the two other choirs, Youth Singers of Calgary and the Toronto Children’s Chorus. Both were extremely nice and friendly, and we all can’t wait to get to know them more! I’m so glad to be here with all my fellow choristers, and I know we are going to have a fabulous, unforgettable trip!

– Ariana, Concert Chorus

Pure exhaustion – these seem like the perfect words to some up what the choristers are feeling today.  It all started at 5:00 PM on Thursday when all the eager choristers waited to board the bus. Then we found ourselves at our gate for what seemed like 30 minutes, and then boarded the crowded plane. I ended up falling asleep for a couple of hours, expecting to wake up in Rio de Janeiro. Unfortunately, I was informed that I still had 5 more hours of flying…which wasn’t very reassuring.  We landed and got onto a bus for a city tour, which was very interesting!  We got to see “favellas” (slums) from the Northern part of Rio, then we were bused to a catholic cathedral that on the outside seemed like a block of concrete, but inside beautiful stained glass filled the room with light.  We finallycame to our hotel and rested for a while and then met the choristers from both Toronto and Calgary. They were very sweet and I am extremely excited to sing with them soon!

– Rose, Concert Chorus