CoolSide of Yuletide, YPC’s new CD of upbeat, urban carols, is now available for your holiday listening pleasure.
As mentioned in the title, CoolSide of Yuletide is well… cool. YPC Artistic Director and Founder Francisco Núñez and composer Jim Papoulis put a unique twist on holiday favorites like “Deck the Halls,” “Drummer Boy,” “Joy to the World,” and “Let It Snow.” The CD also includes original songs such as “How Many Christmasaes,” recorded by YPC, Rosanne Cash and choirs from around the globe and “Where Are My Angels,” featuring YPC and American Idol Finalist Phil Stacey.
The idea for the CD began when a television network asked YPC sing “upbeat and cool” carols on a holiday program. “Nothing I found was cool enough,” said Mr. Núñez, “so with Jim Papoulis we decided to create our own.”
“Our goal for Coolside of Yuletide was to shake the tree,” explains Jim Papoulis, “giving these carols a cool, young vibe that are enjoyable to singers and listeners alike.”
Visit to hear tracks, learn more or to purchase this fun and exciting CD.
You’ll enjoy amazing holiday music and feel good knowing that you’ve supported the Young People’s Chorus of New York City™ and The Foundation for Small Voices, two non-profit organizations dedicated to creating music and mentoring opportunities for children. And that’s the coolest part of all.