Day 1 at the Choral Music Experience at Ithaca College!

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During master class, Clair was conducting “Give Us Hope” when the teacher of the teachers asked a student of the choir to come up and lead the choir for this song. I was excited thinking about going up in front of everybody, it sounded very fun. So without thinking, I raised my hand and Janet, the master teacher, invited me up. Janet told me to lead them the way I wanted to. I felt that I was lost at the beginning, until it got to the chorus, and all my feeling flew through me. Everyone was so engaged, and so was Janet. She said to me; that “You are a great conductor without experience!” That was the highlight of my day!

– Alex, Young Men

So today was my first official day in Ithaca, New York. When I arrived yesterday, my host family was like my second family. They treated my chorus friends and I like we have known them for many years. I knew this was going to be a good start of my adventure here. Today during rehearsal, I met members of the Ithaca Children’s Choir. They were really nice and they sang very well too. The master class we had was comprised of different conductors conducting us and it was such a musical experience. I learned that the way a conductor conducts reflects on the way a choir would sing. I also saw Jim Papoulis conduct and that was very cool because the way he moved his body toward his music was so strong and powerful that it made me really excited and happy to sing.

– Jacqulyn, Cantare

Day 1 at Ithaca College was way more fun than I expected. My host family is so nice and welcoming, the weather is beautiful, and the Ithaca Children’s Choir is very friendly. I am enjoying my stay here. Master class was long but kept me interested the whole time because the teachers were fun and engaging. I met many new people at Ithaca College today and didn’t expect them to be as friendly as they were. I am looking forward to what the rest of the week has to offer. All this hard work is going to be worthwhile at our concert on Friday.

– Nailah, Cantare