Don’t miss out on one of the most beloved events of the season: September 21-22!
We are so excited to once again be traveling to Camp Jewell in Colebrook, CT for another fantastic weekend retreat! Each year, this trip is a favorite amongst choristers. It serves as a great bonding experience, as children form lasting friendships with choristers across all YPC divisions, ages 8-18. Participants will enjoy a fun-filled weekend of music making and outdoor activities such as field games, canoeing and hiking. We will rehearse music to be performed later in the season and work on developing music literacy and theory skills.
Space is limited, so please submit your application by Friday, September 13th.
The cost for participating choristers is $240. This cost includes meals, snacks, transportation, lodging, and camp activities. There are a limited number of partial scholarships available for this trip. Please indicate your needs on the form below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Emma Hathaway at or 212-289-7779, ext. 42.
We invite any parents interested in chaperoning to join us on this trip! The cost for chaperones is the same as for choristers ($240). Please indicate whether you are interested in being a chaperone on the trip application. There are a limited number of chaperone spaces available, so please return your trip application as soon as possible.
Trip Application
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