Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation awards 16 new grants to improve access to the arts across the UK and beyond
This September, Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation has awarded grants worth a total of £270,690 to 16 projects across the UK and internationally. This includes £101,000 towards the provision of music education for young people; £67,777 to fund paid work placements for designers and lighting technicians in leading venues; £53,296 to support drama and dance programmes for young people and emerging talent; and £33,617 towards the development of skills in the heritage and crafts sector. This round of grants will also extend to the delivery of music therapy, awarding £15,000towards the provision for seriously ill children.
This new round of funding will support projects across the length and breadth of the country, from London to Birmingham, Wales to Edinburgh and Devon to Glasgow, as well as further afield in New York City. Breaking down barriers to participation in the arts, the Foundation has prioritised projects that engage young people and individuals from hard-to-reach and minority backgrounds and support the advancement of emerging talent through the provision of top quality training and paid work placements.
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Ensuring access to music education for young people has been a long-running priority for the Foundation which has awarded several grants to projects providing greater access to teaching this autumn. Blackheath Conservatoire of Music and the Arts has been awarded £40,000 over 2 years to run music lessons and outreach projects for disadvantaged individuals and communities in Greenwich and Lewisham. The conservatoire works closely with local schools, charities and children’s centres to identify and support young people in creative arts. Beneficiaries include those with significant musical talent from low income families or who face other barriers to participation including special educational needs, refugee status and challenging family circumstances. The Foundation will also continue to support the work of Young People’s Chorus of New York City, who received a grant of £35,000 towards music education for 1,300 young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in New York City, and Music in Secondary Schools Trust (MiSST), who received £10,000 towards intensive music tuition for London schoolchildren at their annual Radley Summer Residency. This year MiSST students on the residency enjoyed masterclasses from Nicola Benedetti and Wynton Masalis.
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