A Busy Week for Cantare!

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I had an awesome time at the United Airlines event. We worked really hard during our rehearsals and it really payed off. The crowd seemed to enjoy the performance as well which is always a good sign. I love performing with Cantare because we all get along and perform so well together.

-Nailah, Cantare

My first concert with Cantare was a blast! Not only was the place fancier than any other place I had ever been to, but I also enjoyed reviewing all the choreography and lyrics with everyone to get ready for the concert. The supportive community and all the positive energy made this experience amazing!

– Jacob, Cantare

Over this past week I have had a fantastic time with YPC! I performed at the Yale Club and the Hyatt hotel with other Cantare members! It was terrific! Everyone had a lot of fun and the crowd loved us! We even made them cry after What A Wonderful World! :) GREAT JOB CANTARE!

– Ashley, Cantare