Transient Glory Symposium – Notes from Ron Chronister

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Exciting things happen in life. At least they do in my life. I am honored to share with you the most recent of such events for me.

Several months ago I met Francisco Núñez and was introduced to YPC and Transient Glory! Now I am involved in an exciting and fascinating project that I think is very important. I have been asked to help present the Transient Glory Symposium, work with the exceptional YPC and Carnegie Hall staffs, and make a difference in the lives of choral students everywhere by providing much needed and desired information about performing serious contemporary choral literature written specifically for young voices by the leading composers of our nation and the world!!

The concept is unique. The energy driving this project is electric. The information and training that will be provided can only be obtained at this symposium. The talent that will be assembled to learn from is awe-inspiring. The venues that will be used are world-class. The opportunities that are offered through this symposium are rarely offered anywhere. And the value is unbelievable. Participants get all this for practically free! And it will all happen in New York City!

As a public school choir director I am always looking for ways to improve myself and my choir. I have tended to shy away from serious contemporary compositions because they are so different from what I was trained with and I didn’t know how to understand and teach them. I didn’t know where to look to get that training. No longer! With the emergence of the Transient Glory Symposium that training and information is now available to directors just like me.

Not only can I now get this information and take it to my choir, I get to be part of making it happen! How exciting can life get?

I’ll look forward to seeing you at the Transient Glory Symposium in February 2012!