Written by YPC Chorister Sophie, Age 17
As this is my first year with YPC, I have certainly learned a lot of new things when it comes to music – from the actual performance pieces to the choreography that goes with them.
In order to prepare for summer tour, I needed to familiarize myself with a wide variety of songs and movements. I learned that this process is not only about memorizing notes, lyrics, and moves, but also about personalizing and “marrying” each and every selection as part of a greater whole.
Preparing for summer tour has taught me to think quickly on my feet, and given me the motivation to go the extra mile to make these new pieces performance ready. I will carry this knowledge with me into my upcoming school year. I am a rising senior and I know the school year will be extremely demanding – both academically and mentally. I will utilize these new skills that I have acquired on tour in order to aid me in this challenging year to come.